Sunday 28 October 2012

Time Travelling

2.31am (GMT+1), Sunday, 28th October
Jamie and Jith have some friends over in the living room. K is a tea fanatic. Stephen has an iPhone.

K: Can I have some tea?
Jith: No! It's way too late. If you'd asked an hour ago you could have had some.
K: ???
Jith: If you go back in time and ask me an hour ago you can have some tea then!
Stephen: [Checks phone] ...oh. It's one o' clock. The clocks have gone back.
K: Can I have some tea then?
Jith: Yes, you may.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

How is this going to be hard?

12.12am, Tuesday, 31st January
Jamie, Joe and Jith are discussing a unit about Web Technologies.

Jith: I guess he teaches that stuff because there may be people who have never used the Internet before on the unit!
Joe: Yeah, those people DEFINITELY exist on our course...
Jith: I meant to say "people who have never made websites before"!

Saturday 8 October 2011

The Sound of Tinkle

7.43pm, Saturday, 8th October
A friend of the flat's friend, Lorry, is visiting. In a bid to convince Jamie to go out, he says he is going to listen to Jamie in the bathroom.

Jamie: [To Lorry] I don't have a problem with you listening to me on the toilet; if you're doing that, then you're the one with the problem!

Sunday 22 May 2011


4.01pm, Sunday, 22nd May
Jamie and Jith are in the kitchen.
Jith: [Steals water from tap while Jamie is washing up] Sorry!
Jamie: I am not going to accept your apology. You owe me three waffles.
Jith: Here, have some invisible waffles!
Jamie: No, they are the wrong species of waffle. I want actual waffles.
Jith: You didn't specify...
Jamie: Right, next time you ask me to find someone, I'm going to go and dig up a dead body because you weren't being specific!

Monday 28 February 2011

Yuman Beings

10.42pm, Monday, 28th Feb
The gang are watching Cosmos with Mikey. Carl Sagan suggests that humans could have been worm-people if the earth had different conditions.

Jamie: Think about it, if someone cuts you in half, then you've got a mate!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Speed Dating Reflections

9.59pm, Thursday 17th Feb

Jamie: I don't believe in soulmates. Probabilistically, there are a hundred girls out there that I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with. It's just a matter of making sure the one I choose doesn't find out about the other 99!

Sunday 13 February 2011

I'm Not Actually Awake, You Know...

2:26pm, Sunday 13th Feb
Joe is sitting at his desk, using his computer.

Joe: I need to get up.
Jith: ...but you are up, at your computer!
Joe: No, I mean properly up.